Terminal 4 Expansion & Redevelopment Project
The Port of Grays Harbor’s largest marine terminal customer, AGP, has invested more than $100 million at its Terminal 2 Storage & Export Facility since 2001. Their existing facility is the largest soymeal exporter on the West Coast. AGP will be investing over $123 million at the Port by constructing an additional export ship loading facility at Terminal 4. To accommodate this expansion, the Port of Grays Harbor will need to make significant infrastructure improvements.
The first construction contract is now advertised for the Terminal 4 Expansion and Redevelopment Project. Please open the link below for bid documents and other information.
Terminal 4 Expansion & Redevelopment Project
The Terminal 4 Expansion & Redevelopment Project will combine private and public investment:
AGP Investment (private)
Build a new bulk agricultural commodity transload facility on land leased at the Port of Grays Harbor’s Terminal 4B, which will transfer soymeal and other agricultural products from railcars to ships at berth
Port Investment (public)
Construct new rail within the Port’s marine terminal complex to support offloading, storage and assembly of unit trains to accommodate rail traffic to the new Terminal 4B facility
Redevelop the 50-acre former WSDOT pontoon casting basin site into marine terminal cargo laydown area to support the continued operation of Terminal 4A
Construct secured site access and roadway improvements
Upgrade the Terminal 4 marine fendering and stormwater systems
Design and permitting for this project are funded and underway. Construction funding for the Port’s investments will include $25.5 million from a USDOT MARAD Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP) grant awarded in October 2022. The Port is finalizing the construction funding package with a mix of local, state, and federal sources. Construction is targeted to begin in 2024, with AGP targeting operations in 2025.
Attachment B - T4 Rail and Site Improvements, Design Drawings and Plans
Attachment D - Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Technical Study
Attachment G - Land Use, Recreation, and Visual Resources Technical Study
Attachment I - Public Services and Utilities Technical Study
Attachment O - High Tide Line and Ordinary High Water Mark Determination Memo
Attachment P - Request for Incidental Harassment Authorization
Attachment Q - Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA)
Project Tasks & Timeline
Economic Benefits
Terminal 4 Project Info Sheet
Click here for the Terminal 4 Project Information Sheet
Public Participation Plan
The Port is committed to keeping the community informed as the project progresses. For more information on how we plan to do so, please review our Public Participation Plan. This Plan is a living document, and will be updated as information and public outreach opportunities become available.
Questions or Comments?
Please contact us at t4project@portgrays.org or 360-533-9590.