Contracting with the Port
The Port of Grays Harbor is proud to partner with businesses to play an important role in the creation of jobs to support the economy in Grays Harbor County. To accomplish this, we depend on the services of qualified contractors, vendors, and consultants from a variety of industries and specialties to maintain and improve our facilities.
Business opportunities include, but are not limited to:
• Contractors for public works, maintenance and repair projects
• Professional architectural, engineering and surveying services (A&E)
• Non-A&E services reasonably required in connection with a public works project
• Personal services
• Purchased services
Current Opportunities
Due to the increasing administrative burden of maintaining our own roster, the Port of Grays Harbor is now using the MRSC Rosters shared online database. If you are not currently a subscriber of the MRSC Rosters and would like to continue to be a small works contractor for the Port of Grays Harbor, please subscribe to and select the Port in the portal.
Public Works, Maintenance, and Repair Contracting
ATTENTION: All Public Works Contractors
The Port of Grays Harbor awards all public works contracts to a responsible bidder as defined in RCW’s 39.04.010. Potential bidders need to be aware of their responsibilities under RCW 39.04.350 and required contractor training. All public works contracts must comply with prevailing wage requirements in Washington and Davis-Bacon Act requirements for projects which include federal funding.
Contractor Training - contractor training
Law Booklet - Prevailing Wage Law Booklet
Major Public Works, Maintenance and Repair Projects ($350,000 or more)
Interested bidders can access plans, specifications, addenda, reference documents, plan holder lists, and bid results on-line through Builders Exchange of Washington Inc.,
Notices of Bids are also posted to the Port’s open bids list, published in The Daily World, and occasionally in the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce.
Small Works Roster
For projects under $350,000, the Port uses a Small Works Roster in accordance with RCW 39.04.151-154. The roster is a list of responsible contractors who have applied to be considered for small public works projects. Both formal projects (full plans and specs) and informal projects (painting, general maintenance, etc.) are eligible. Requests for bids are sent directly to firms that have applied to the Small Works Roster.
The Port advertises for contractors to apply for the Port’s Small Works Roster annually in The Daily World, and accepts applications any time through the MRSC Small Works roster portal.
The Port of Grays Harbor encourages qualified contractors to select “Port of Grays Harbor” in the MRSC Rosters portal. If you are not registered with the MRSC roster portal, please do so at .
Interested contractors can find information on the types of services anticipated by reviewing the Awarded Contracts & Reports section of this page.
For questions and additional information contact:
Aaron Aschim
(360) 533-9518
Consultant Contracting | Professional Services
The Port normally selects Professional architectural / engineering (A&E) and personal services as defined in RCW 39.08.020(5) from the Port’s consultant roster in accordance with RCW 39.80. The Port may choose to select a firm, on a case by case basis, by publishing an RFQ in The Daily World and the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce. Current RFQ’s can be found on the RFQ/RFP Opportunities page.
Consultant Roster
The roster is a list of qualified professional service consultants who have applied, along with their statement of qualifications and license information if appropriate. A&E and personal services consultants are chosen based on qualifications only.
The Port advertises for consultants to apply for the Port’s Consultant Roster annually in The Daily World and accepts applications any time through the MRSC Small Works Consultant roster portal.
The Port of Grays Harbor encourages qualified consultants to select “Port of Grays Harbor” in the MRSC Rosters portal. If you are not registered with the MRSC roster portal, please do so at .
For questions and additional information contact:
Randy Lewis
(360) 533-9513
Non-A&E Services Reasonably Required in Connection with a Public Works Project
The Port selects non-A&E services reasonably required in connection with a public works project directly. The Port may consider firms on rosters or choose to select a firm by publishing an RFP in The Daily World and the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce. Current RFP’s can be found on our RFQ/RFP Opportunities page.
For questions and additional information contact:
Randy Lewis
(360) 533-9513
Personal Services
Personal services are defined in RCW 53.19.010(6) as professional or technical expertise provided by a consultant to accomplish a specific study, project, task, or other work statement which may not reasonably be required in connection with a public works project meeting the definition in RCW 39.04.010(4) and does not include purchased services as defined in RCW 53.19.010(8) or professional (A&E) services defined in Chapter 39.80 RCW.
Personal service examples include:
• Appraisal services
• Aerial photographers
• Environmental planning
• Executive recruitment
• Grant writing
• Graphic design
• Management consulting marketing services
• Strategic planning
The Port selects personal services using the following process
• $49,999 or less – The Port may select a company from the roster or publish a Request For Proposals (RFP)
• $50,000 to $199,999 – The Port will solicit responses from multiple firms from the roster or publish a Request For Proposals (RFP) in The Daily World
• $200,000 or more – The Port will publish a Request For Proposals (RFP)
Requests for Proposals will be in The Daily World and may be published in the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce. Current RFPs can be found on our list of RFQ/RFP Opportunities .
Purchased Services
Purchased services are defined in RCW 53.19.010(8) as services provided by a vendor to accomplish routine, continuing and necessary functions.
Purchased service examples include, but are not limited to:
• Computer hardware/software maintenance
• Date entry/key punch services
• Delivery/courier service
• Herbicide application
• Recycling/disposal/pickup service
• Vehicle inspection, lubricating and repair services
The Port selects purchased by publishing a Call for Bids in The Daily World and publishing on the Port’s webpage. Current Call for Bids on the Open Bids List.
PGH Awarded Contracts & Reports
Pursuant to Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 53.08.440, find below the list of contracts awarded for the last seven years, including public works, personal services, and professional A&E.
Interlocal Agreements:
Interlocal cooperative agreements made pursuant to Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 39.34.
There are no current Interlocal Agreements at this time