Port of Grays Harbor awarded $50,000 grant for Westport Marina Modernization Project Plan
Press Release:
November 19, 2021
Kayla Dunlap, Director of Government and Public Affairs
kdunlap@portgrays.org or 360-533-9590
For Immediate Release
Aberdeen, WA. – On Thursday, the Washington State Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) awarded the Port of Grays Harbor a $50,000 planning grant to complete the Westport Marina Modernization Project Plan. The grant will be matched by $30,000 in Port funds.
The Plan will build upon previous planning and study efforts of the Marina to develop a modernized float design, layout and configuration plan for the current and projected user base, asset consolidation and refurbishment, phased construction recommendations along with estimated costs.
The Port of Grays Harbor’s Westport Marina is the hub of tribal, commercial, charter and recreational fishing on Washington’s Coast and has been for more than 60 years. Today, the activities at the Westport Marina and its uplands support nearly 2,300 jobs and over $227 million in business revenue every year in rural Southwest Washington.
Over the last decade, the Port, along with local and state partners, have invested more than $9 million to support and upgrade the critical aging infrastructure at the Westport Marina including a rebuild of the bank line, breakwater stabilization and the dredging of the Marina for the first time in 40 years. The time has now come to focus on the very large undertaking of replacing the Marina’s float infrastructure.
“We are very grateful CERB chose to once again partner with the Port to ensure this importat initial planning step is accomplished as a critical piece of the large Marina Modernization Project,” stated Port of Grays Harbor Commissioner Tom Quigg. “The Port recognizes the Marina Modernization Project will be incredibly large in both scope and investment which is why this Plan is so vital to helping us strategize as we look to leverage funding opportunities and minimize impacts to marina users as improvements are made.”
The Westport Marina is the hub of tribal, commercial and recreational fishing on Washington’s Coast and has been for more than 60 years. The current configuration and floats pictured here were constructed 40+ years ago and designed to accommodate the fleet of the time. The Westport Marina Modernization Project Plan will help address float replacement and reconfiguration to support Washington State’s #1 commercial seafood landing port for the next 50 years.
Founded in 1911, the Port of Grays Harbor is one of Washington State’s oldest port districts and Washington’s only deep-water port located directly on the Pacific Ocean. The Port of Grays Harbor operates 4 deep-water marine terminals, the Westport Marina, Bowerman Airport, Grays Harbor ship assist services, numerous public waterfront access facilities, in addition to industrial and business parks throughout the County. Strategically located midway between Seattle and Portland and only 1 ½ hours from open sea, the Port of Grays Harbor provides businesses a diverse portfolio of facilities.